
Module 2: Meeting Standards in a Student-Centered Classroom

Page history last edited by Emily Mann 14 years, 6 months ago

In this Pedagogical Practice, you discuss your concerns and possible solutions for meeting standards in a student-centered classroom.

  1. Note the question assigned to your group:
    • Group A?: How do I ensure that students meet standards—and meet enough of them to make the effort worthwhile—in open-ended activities and projects?
    • Group B?: If students are in charge of their own learning, how will we be sure they learn what is important?
    • Group C?: How do I ensure accountability when students are working in groups?
    • Group D?:  Choose one of the questions above.
  2. Click on the "Group Name" to create your group's wiki page.
    • Copy the question into your page.
    • Go to the "Insert" menu and create a 2-column, 8-row table with Concerns in the left column and Solutions in the right column.
  3. Discuss and enter your group’s concerns and possible solutions in the table.
  4. Save your wiki page when your discussion is finished.
  5. Review the other groups' pages and add to their lists of solutions.

Note: Click the Edit tab to insert your comments on a saved wiki page.



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