
Module 3

Page history last edited by Emily Mann 14 years, 8 months ago

Module Three



Min. Start End Module 3: Making Connections
30 8:00 AM 8:30 AM Pair and Share: Presenting My Unit Portfolio
25 8:30 AM 8:55 AM Pedagogical Practices: Meeting Standards in a
Student-Centered Classroom
25 8:55 AM 9:20 AM Activity 1: Targeting 21st Century Skills
30 9:20 AM 9:50 AM Activity 2: Modeling and Teaching Legal and Ethical Practice Related to Technology Use
      Step 1: Exploring Copyright
      Step 2: Citing Sources
15 9:50 AM 10:05 AM Break
35 10:05 AM 10:40 AM Activity 3: Using the Internet for Research
        Step 1: Locating Internet Resources
        Step 2: Finding Media
        Step 3: Evaluating Web Sites
25 10:40 AM 11:05 AM Activity 4: Communicating with the World through the Internet
        Step 1: Reviewing Internet Communication Tools
        Step 2: Considering Communication Tools for Your Unit
30 11:05 AM 11:35 AM Activity 5: Considering Web-based Collaborative Learning
20 11:35 AM 11:55 AM Activity 6: Reflecting on My Learning
        Step 1: Reviewing the Module
        Step 2: Blogging My Journey
5 11:55 AM 12:00 PM Planning Ahead: Incorporating the Internet
0 12:00 PM 12:00 PM Looking Ahead: Module 4


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